S4-S6 Business Management



This Course is offered at National 4, National 5 and Higher.

The Course introduces learners to the dynamic, changing, competitive and economic environment of industry and commerce. It develops skills in communicating and presenting business-related information, in a variety of formats, to the various stakeholders of an organisation.

The development of skills explicit to the Course will enable learners to succeed in life with determination and the ability to think logically. These skills will support learners in becoming more confident, particularly regarding their own future education and place in the world of work. Understanding the economic and financial environment in which business operates will help learners to contribute responsibly to society.

The Course is suitable for all learners interested in entering the world of business — whether as a manager, employee or self-employed person — as it gives learners knowledge of the business environment. The Course fosters a greater understanding of how people contribute to business success. As a consequence, learners will be better informed about business and able to make an effective contribution to society as consumers, employees, employers or self-employed people.

By developing many transferable skills, the Course prepares learners for everyday life, the world of work, or further study of business and other business- related disciplines. It deepens understanding of businesses and highlights a range of business-based career opportunities that are available within all business sectors.

The Course aims to enable learners to develop:

  • knowledge and understanding of the ways in which society relies on businesses and other organisations to satisfy our needs
  • an insight and understanding into the systems organisations use to ensure customers’ needs are met
  • enterprising skills and attributes by providing them with opportunities to explore realistic business situations and complex business issues
  •  financial awareness and understanding through a business context
  •  an insight into how organisations organise their resources for maximum efficiency and improve their overall performance
  • an awareness and understanding of how external influences impact on organisations